21 signs of negative energy in your home

Do you feel uneasy when you walk through the door? Your home is supposed to be your haven, but nowadays, you can’t wait to leave. You can’t shake the feeling that something is off, but you can’t put your finger on what it is.

Negative energy can throw us off balance and make life a struggle. It is essential to act fast, as negative energy tends to stick if rooted.

This article is aimed to help you identify if you might be dealing with negative energies in your home. It is good to remember, though, that there is no scientific evidence of the existence of hostile entities. We have to rely on subjective feelings and experiences.

Remember that one or two of these signs do not mean that you have negative energy lurking in your home. You might be dealing with negative energy if you experience more than five signs.

As with everything paranormal, you must take everything with a grain of salt and be sure to listen to your gut feeling. Never label anything as paranormal until all natural causes are ruled out. In most cases, natural causes can be found in strange behaviors and occurrences.

Note: If you are experiencing health issues, please consult a professional healthcare provider. The symptoms you are dealing with might not be paranormal but signs of a health issue.

What negative energy is

First of all, what is negative energy? Many think negative energy is demonsOpens in a new tab. or elementalsOpens in a new tab., but I am sorry to say that it is a bit more complex. Negative energy can be many things; psychic attacks and thoughtforms. I emphasize that not all negative energies are entities or ghosts.

Some paranormal investigators mean that negative energy is not more than the “opposite” of positive energy. Not bad or good, just damaging. Please think of the magnet; it has one positive and one negative node. The negative node is not demonic – it is just harmful

It is believed that negative emotions, feelings, or happenings might cause negative energy.

Laws of nature and thought errors

We must go with our gut feeling because we don’t fully know what negative energy is. If you feel the power is dark and draining, you might be dealing with a hostile entity. The negative energy from the entity is exhaustingng your batteries, as you are the positive node.

As a firm believer that most ghosts and entities are good, I don’t think you need to be too scared by negative energies. I believe that we often get scared by them due to horror movies, paranormal TV shows, and ghost stories.

Ghosts communicate in a way that might seem scary to us as they don’t follow the laws of nature. Spirit exists in another dimension, right? Our reality is based on the laws of nature, and everything outside the box is easily perceived as hostile or dangerous.

Sign #1: Plants are not thriving

A common sign that you might have negative energy lurking in your home is sagging and tired house plants.

Of course, if you don’t care for your plants, they will die regardless of negative energy or not. It might indicate a negative presence if you care for them and they keep dying on you.

I use baby’s tears plants to indicate if I have attracted anything nasty to my home. I visit haunted sites and use this plant as my “canary bird.” Before miners had indicators of toxic gas or lack of oxygen, they used canary birds to warn them of hazardous places. The canaries die very quickly when exposed to gas and low oxygen levels.

Baby’s tears plant is very susceptible to negative energy and starts to look funky as soon as something is up.

Sign #2: Nightmares

A typical sign of negative energy in your home is constant nightmares. Often, in the case of hauntings, it is a person you might know or recognize if doing historical research on your house or property.

It is good to remember that not all nightmares are signs of negative energy. If you are stressed, under pressure, dealing with relationship issues, or during times of transition, nightmares are prone to happen. It is when they are recurring without cause in combination with other signs you might be dealing with negative energy.

Not all negative energy is necessarily ghostsOpens in a new tab.. Power can be accumulated in many ways; negative thinking can create thougOpens in a new tab.ht forms, entities, or psychic attacks. Negative in any shape and form might impact your mood and vibe overall.

Sign #3: Pets acting strange

A common sign that you might have negative energy lurking in your home is when your pets act oddly or out of character. They might be staring at something you can’t see, fly off in fear without cause, or don’t want to enter a room or area in your home.

Signs from your pets that might indicate negative energy

  • Odd staring or fixations
  • Unexplainable fear of certain rooms or areas
  • Unwillingness to enter certain rooms or areas
  • Odd growing or protective behavior
  • Nightly activity (dogs and cats walk around, birds tweet, etc.)
  • Dogs and cats go to the door as they are called for a walk
  • Dogs walk with their tail tucked under the belly
  • Cats hide without reason
  • Birds are more silent than usual
  • Pet fish die without cause (no illnesses or bad water parameters)
  • Aquarium plants die without any reason (you can’t make them live, no matter what)
  • Fry never survives
  • The aquarium water temperature fluctuates without any known reason (check the heater for malfunction)

Sign #4: Feelings of unease

One of the most typical signs of negative energy is an uneasy feeling of being watched. It does not need to be a ghost; it can also be negative energy accumulated by negative emotions or psychic attacks.

If you feel this strange and uneasy feeling following you, not present only when you are home, you might be dealing with a ghostly attachment. If you want to learn more about this, I invite you to read the article below.

Related article: Can ghosts follow you home? [Things you must know]Opens in a new tab.

Sign #5: Bad luck

Bad luck is a standard indicator of negative energy lurking in your home. Bad luck might be a coincidence, but you might have to take action when paired with other signs.

According to my experience, bad luck and bad judgment go hand-in-hand. As I firmly believe in the law of attraction, it can be your karma playing its part. If bad luck is more than a stride, it is time to cleanseOpens in a new tab. your space of negative energy.

Sign #6: Relationship issues and fights

It is not uncommon for relationship issues and fights to occur when negative energy lurks in the shadows. The negative energy often slippers through and impacts relationships negatively. Sometimes that is the wish of the powpower in play; sometimes, it is just a symptom. No matter what, it is not a good thing.

If you struggle with arguments out of character in your relationship, you might be dealing with negative energy in your home. Relationships are not easy, so don’t freak out if you and your partner or friend are arguing. It is human nature to have quarrels from time to time.

If your arguments are consistent, without any clear explanation for why it happens, it might be due to paranormal happenings. In these situations, it might be beneficial to cleanseOpens in a new tab. the home.

My go-to cleansing technique is with Palo SantoOpens in a new tab.. Learn everything you need to know in the article below.

Related article: Cleanse your home with Palo Santo: 9 easy stepsOpens in a new tab.

Sign #7: Addictions and unhealthy lifestyles

One common sign that negative energy is present is when you suddenly make radical lifestyle changes – for the worse. Suddenly you gain weight, start smoking, or drink too much alcohol. In worse cases, you might be using recreational drugs or other stimulants.

As always, never rule anything as paranormal until all natural causes are ruled out. I recommend you contact a professional healthcare provider to rule out health issues.

Sign #8: Lack of faith

If you suddenly lose your religious or spiritual faith or compass. If there are no causes behind this disconnection with your inner compass, you might have negative energy present in your home.

Sign #9: Fatigue

If you are dealing with fatigue and can’t understand the root cause of it, you might be struggling with negative energy in your home.

As stated before, never rule anything as paranormal until all natural causes are ruled out. Be sure to check with your professional healthcare provider that you are not suffering from a health issue. You can’t get better if you don’t address the root cause of the problemproblem. No cleansing in the world will make you more energetic if a health issue causes it.

Sign #10: Lack of good judgment

If you suddenly seem to lack good judgment – you are not yourself anymore. It is time to cleanse your home if you are steered by egoistic reasoning or a lack of morals.

It is good to remember that we are all humans. At some point, we will all do things we regret. If it suddenly happens without a cause, you might be dealing with negative energy in your home.

This might be a sign of demonic attachment if it is very severe. But don’t freak out; this is very rare. If you want to learn more about the most common signs of demonic possession, I invite you to read the article below.

Related article: 19 Signs of Demonic PossessionOpens in a new tab.

Sign #11: Financial issues

If your finances suddenly wreak havoc, it might be due to negative energy in your home. The negative energy feeds you, ending in a downward spiral. It is not uncommon to be sloppy with paying bills, overspending, and not caring about tomorrow.

Note that occasional downturns in your finances are normal. If it occurs all of a sudden, along with behavior changes without any natural explanation, it might be called for a cleansing of the home to reset the energies.

As stated earlier in this article, please consult a financial professional to handle your situation. It might also be recommended to visit a health care professional as your behavior might be due to emotional or health issues.

Sign #12: Negative thought patterns

You might be dealing with negative energy in your home if you are constantly caught in negative thought patterns. It is good to remember that negative thoughts are natural and a part of life. It is when they come out of the blue you might consider influenced by negative energy, ghosts, or entities.

Negative thoughts can be ghostsOpens in a new tab. trying to connect to you through your subconscious mind. Something might be up if you have vivid dreams or nightmares paired with out-of-character thought patterns.

As always, if you feel unwell or distressed, seek help from a professional healthcare provider to rule out health issues.

Sign #13: Low interest in self-care

Suddenly losing interest in your looks and hygiene can signify negative energy lurking in your home.

We all have strides in life where we don’t prioritize looks, so don’t freak out by this sign alone. If you are feeling unwell or low for an extended time, seek help from a professional healthcare provider.

Sign #14: Cluttered spaces

Cluttered and dirty spaces might be a sign of negative energy. As we tend to get fatigued when under the influence of negative energy, things often start to clutter. Suddenly there is no energy for cleaning and making your home look neat.

If you usually are a very tidy person, this is a strong sign something might be up. It is also good to remember that we all have strides of low energy at times. If this sign is paired with other indications of negative energy, it might be time for a cleansing session.

If you are dealing with a hostile entity, it is common for this to happen. My experience is that clutter makes us less connected to our haven – our home. It is easier for negative entities to attach if you are not emotionally rooted in your home.

I have seen this many times, cluttered and neglected homes when it comes to hauntings and demonic attachments. It can also be burnout, depression, or other medical issues. Please consult with a physician if you are feeling unwell.

Sign #15: Isolation

It might be a sign of negative energy if you suddenly don’t feel like participating in social gatherings and find yourself growing apart from your friends. Of course, this happens naturally in life from time to time. It is when you feel that you can’t break the cycle and feel no interest in your friends and family it might be a cause of concern.

As this also might be a sign of an underlying medical issue, please consult a medical professional before ruling this paranormal.

Sign #16: You catch every germ

If you always find yourself sick, it might be due to negative energy in your home. Or course, it can be due to many other reasons as well.

Negative energy has a tendency to wear us down, and this impact our overall well-being. The first action should always be to consult a professional healthcare provider to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

I would also suggest a clearing ritual with Palo SantoOpens in a new tab. or Lavender to eliminate residual and negative energy. It is not harmful and might get you back on track faster.

Related articles: How to cleanse your home with lavender: 7 easy methodsOpens in a new tab.

Sign #17: Lost your spark

This sign is one of the hardest to pinpoint at times. I have noticed that the loss of spark (or joy for life) often is absent in homes with lots of negative energy.

It can be really hard to see this yourself as it gradually disappears. Often friends and family are the first ones to alert you that something is going on with your outlook on life. I have listed a few signs that I have encountered.

  • Less interested in your hobbies
  • Low interest in being social
  • Sleeping too much
  • Endlessly scrolling your phone
  • Watch TV all day (and night)
  • Play unhealthy amounts of videogames
  • Disconnecting from the fun parts of life
  • Uninterested in your partner or friends
  • Not as attentive to your pets anymore
  • Stop calling friends and family
  • Stop answering messages from your friends and family
  • Not trying new things
  • Zombielike state at work

Negative energy has a way of sucking the spark out of us. Be sure to consult with a professional health provider to rule out any underlying health issues that might cause your lack of spark.

Sign #18: Low sex drive

If you suddenly, without any reason, lose your sex drive, it can be a sign of negative energy lurking in your home. As stated throughout the article, this might be caused by a relationship or medical issue.

During different stages in life, our sex drive fluctuates, which is normal. But if you suddenly go from a hundred to zero, along with other signs of negative energy – you might benefit from cleansing your home (and yourself).

I have noticed that psychic attacks have a way of draining our sex drive, so be sure to protect yourself with psychic shielding. If you want to learn more about protecting yourself from psychic attacks, I invite you to read the article below.

If anyone envies your relationship, it might cause negative thoughtform or energy. It is good to remember that not all negative energies are entities; they can be spells or negative thoughts building up too.

Related article: 9 effective ways to protect yourself from psychic attacksOpens in a new tab.

Sign #19: Bad tempers

A common sign when dealing with negative energy is terrible tempers. You have no resistance toward challenges and easily lash out at loved ones, friends, colleagues, and people. You suddenly see red when your dog makes a mess in the living room.

If you are not prone to bad tempers and have no reason for your behavior, it can signify negative energy in your home.

Remember that bad tempers from time to time are normal. It is human to lash out if you are experiencing challenges in life, are tired, or feel low. It’s when it comes out of the blue, and you are experiencing a mood change when you come home; it might be warranted with a spiritual cleansing of the space.

I sound like a broken record but consult a medical health professional before ruling anything as paranormal.

Sign #20: Weight gain or loss

If you suddenly gain or lose weight and have no idea why that is, it can be due to negative energy at home. Be sure to consult a professional health provider to rule out any underlying health issues before ruling it is induced by the paranormal.

As we tend to lose grip of our personality, fall into bad habits, and enter destructive behavior when dealing with negative energy, it is not uncommon to experience weight fluctuations.

Sign #21: Sudden interest in the occult

A sudden, uncalled-for interest in dark occult practices might signify that you are dealing with negative energies or evil entities.

It might be time for a serious cleanse if you notice a strange pull toward divination tools you have never used. The same applies if friends or visitors become very attracted to an object or divination tool. Be cautious regarding more complex divination tools such as Ouija boards and black mirrorsOpens in a new tab..

If you are concerned that your divination tool might attract negative energies, I invite you to read the articles below.

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Final thoughts

It can be a challenge to know if you are dealing with negative energies or not. Many signs are very subtle and complex to discover if you are the one targeted by the negative energy.

It is often easier to notice the slight shifts in a friend’s or loved one’s personality. The mood and vibe of a home are also easier to detect when you are not always around. It is like when you have mold infestations; you seldom notice the smell yourself – your friends or pets do it first.

Never get freaked out by one or two signs; you might experience the effects of negative energy when you have loads of them.

In most cases, we are very good at handling negative energy. We are not the victims that many picture us as. It can be challenging to recover when we are in a fragile state. Then it might be needed with a ritual cleanse or home blessing.

If you want to learn more about why we are not as weak and susceptible to psychic attacks, I invite you to read the article below. In this article, you learn more about vibrational states and how to deal with negative energies significantly.

If you are interested in self-exorcism, I also added a link below.

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Claudette Beaulieu

A certified paranormal investigator, accredited demonologist, and psychic stuck in the Victorian era.

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