Paranormal experiences

Have you encountered something paranormal? I had my first paranormal experience as a child. Since them I have experienced different kinds of supernatural happenings – from poltergeist activity to shadoe figures.

I love it if you shared your story with us. By sharing your story we get a broader picture of what the paranormal (might) be experienced.

If you love your story to be shared here on the blog, this is how to apply.

How to apply

  1. Give a thorough statement of what happened
  2. Add any captures as pictures, video, or audio (if you want to)
  3. You give us the right to publish your story on the blog
  4. You retain the rights to your story and evidence
  5. Submit your story and evidence via email

Send your emails and attachments to [email protected]Opens in a new tab.

Thank you so much!

Miss Claudette