Do Cursed Objects Really Exist? An Expert Weigh In

Has terrible luck, and a strange mood suddenly struck you after bringing home an item from the thrift store? You want to shake the strange feeling, but you can’t. It is something off with that object, and you feel funky whenever you are close to it. But are there cursed items, or are they just ghost stories?

As science has not recognized cursed items to have magical properties, they do not exist. However, many believe in the existence of cursed objects. There are religions where spellwork and curses are a part of the belief system. In this way, cursed items do exist. 

The magical aspect of a cursed item is not recognized by science, but many believe they are true. There are two main viewpoints. One is that spirits or entities are placed into the object by occult spellwork, and the other is that violent happenings create the curse near the thing itself. I share my insights and expertise as a certified demonologist working with haunted objects.

What a cursed item is

In everyday language, many uses possessed, haunted, and cursed items intertwined. In reality, there is a difference between them.

A cursed item is an object that has ritually been cursed through occult spellwork, witchcraft, energy work, or satanistOpens in a new tab. prayers. The object is cursed with the intent to influence the owner to act in a certain way.

A cursed object is often believed to bring misfortune, bad luck, or even harm to those who come in contact with it. Some cursed items are placed as spiritual warfare; others are finding new homes by mistake. Either way, they can hurt the people in connection with it.

Below you find the most common reason you might come in contact with a cursed item.

  1. Someone has targeted you and used a cursed item to harm you with intent
  2. You have, by mistake, bought a cursed item at a thrift store or on the second-hand market
  3. You have been given the object as a gift from unaware friends or family

In some religions, objects can be cursed for good intentions as well. It is easy to forget this as the debate is often focused on the negative aspects of spellcasting.

Even though not all cursed items are meant to hurt, as in love spells and such, they might influence people to take actions they should not have taken otherwise.

Related article: When objects get possessed: Possessed possessionsOpens in a new tab.

The essence of a cursed object

Think of it as an item with a spooky backstory that people believe carries negative energy. It’s not like a horror movie where a cursed object will jump out and attack you, but more like a persistent feeling of bad luck or negative events surrounding the object.

Some examples of cursed objects include haunted dolls, paintings with eerie histories, or ancient artifacts with legends of curses attached.

It is a great misconception that a cursed item must look creepy or scary. Not all cursed items will look like scary dolls with barbwire strapped around it.

Cursed items that are used in spiritual warfare are thoughtfully selected to go under the radar.

Examples of objects used for spellwork

  • Children’s artworks and crafts
  • Books
  • Crafts (knitware, embroidery, etc)
  • Drawings of paintings
  • Postcards
  • Greeting cards
  • Jewlery
  • Food
  • Drinks
  • Clothing
  • Beautiful or cute decorations

Some people believe that curses can be placed intentionally, while others think they can be unintentional, such as an object linked to a tragic event.

If you want to learn more about how to spot a cursed, haunted, or possessed item, you find helpful information in the article below.

Related article: Beware of the Unseen: How to spot a haunted objectOpens in a new tab.

The item is a vessel for the negative energy

A cursed item can hold negative energy, entities, and spirits. Ultimately, depending on the type of energy the item is hosting, it might lead to dangerous situations for the person owning the item. If the item, for example, holds a demon, the object’s owner can be possessed.

If the item holds a hostile spirit, the object’s owner might be subjected to psychic attacks that lead to fatigue and a negative mindset.

Can an object really be cursed?

The belief in cursed objects has existed for centuries and can be found in many cultures and religions. Many people still believe in them and take them very seriously. So objects can be ritually cursed; whether they hold magical properties is up for debate, though.

The object can be subjected to rituals and treated as a cursed item. But if the thing holds a spirit, demon, energy, or entity capable of changing another person’s outlook and future is not proven scientifically.

Confirmation bias

We know that psychology is a strong force, and if you believe something is dangerous, you will quickly start to see everything negative that happens near the object as a sign of it being cursed. The psychological mechanism is called confirmation biasOpens in a new tab..

The Deathmask of pharao King Tut

When the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankamoon was unearthed, people started to believe that the deaths of the archeologists were a sign that the tomb was cursed. According to an article by, modern researchers could not see any proof of the curseOpens in a new tab. (

Curses seem, in many cases, to be created to protect places from being disturbed or scare people to obedience.

Religions and cursed objects

Several religions and belief systems use curses and spellwork as part of their spiritual practices. Here are a few examples:

  1. African Traditional Religion: In many African traditional religions, curses and spells are used for protection, healing, and justice. Practitioners may use various tools such as herbs, candles, and animal parts to perform spells and rituals.
  2. Hoodoo: Hoodoo is a folk magic tradition in the southern United States. It incorporates elements of African spirituality, Native American practices, and European folk magic. Curses and spells bring about desired outcomes like love, money, or protection.
  3. Wicca: Wicca is a modern pagan religion focusing on nature worship and magic. Curses and spells are used in Wiccan rituals to achieve various goals, such as banishing negative energy or manifesting abundance.
  4. Voodoo: Voodoo is an Afro-Caribbean religion practiced in Haiti, New Orleans, and other parts of the world. Curses and spells are an integral part of voodoo rituals and are used to invoke spirits, protect oneself from harm, and seek revenge on enemies.

It’s important to note that not all practitioners of these religions use curses and spellwork and that the use of curses and spells varies depending on the individual and their specific beliefs and practices.

Whether an item can be cursed is up for debate, but it’s always a good idea to approach objects with respect and caution, especially if they have a dark or mysterious history.

So, if you encounter an object you suspect might be cursed, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and avoid it if possible.

Related article: 8 Most Haunted Objects in the WorldOpens in a new tab.

How to avoid cursed items

Now that you know what a cursed item is, I bet you want to know how to avoid them. Here are some tips on how to avoid cursed objects:

  1. Be wary of second-hand items: If browsing through thrift stores or garage sales, it’s essential to be cautious when purchasing second-hand items. If an object looks or feels strange or has an eerie vibe, it’s best to trust your instincts and avoid it.
  2. Food and drinks: Do not accept food and drinks (or even candy or snacks) from strangers if you think you might be a target for a spiritual attack. Food and beverages are common to curse as you ingest them they are very potent.
  3. Do your research: If you’re interested in purchasing an object with historical or cultural significance, it’s essential to research before making a purchase. Learn about the history of the object and its previous owners to ensure that it does not have a negative history or association.
  4. Trust your instincts: Sometimes, your gut instinct can be your best guide. If an object makes you feel uneasy or gives you a bad feeling, it’s best to stay away from it.
  5. Seek the advice of a professional: If you are unsure about an object’s history or potential for being cursed, seek the advice of a professional such as a spiritual advisor, antique dealer, or historian.
  6. Take precautions: If you choose to purchase an object that is potentially cursed, it’s essential to take precautions such as cleansing it with sage or other cleansing methods or placing it in a protective container or space.

Cursed objects are often the subject of myths and legends, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Trust your instincts and do your research to ensure that you are not bringing any negative energy or curses into your home or life.

Final thoughts

Well, there is no definite answer regarding the existence of cursed objects. Much lies in what belief system we have.

If you believe in cursed objects, confirmation bias will make them come alive with full force. Everything you see connected to the item will be due to the magical spell, not coincidences.

So, if you believe in curses they are very much real. If you don’t they are not. The curse is in your head, not the item itself. Science has not proven that there is such a thing as magical spells. But, this doesn’t make them less real to the ones that think they are true.

We all own our experiences. It is not up to me, or anyone else to tell you what to believe. We approach life and its mysteries in various ways, and that is ok and just as it should be.

Claudette Beaulieu

A certified paranormal investigator, accredited demonologist, and psychic stuck in the Victorian era.

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