The Best Crystals for Pendulums [A psychic weighs in]

There’s a jungle of pendulums available, everything from tourmaline to clear quartz. Should you go for looks, or are there particular traits to the different crystals? It is not easy to choose from all variants available.

As a general rule, chevron amethyst is a tremendous all-around crystal for pendulums. Other crystals might also be an option depending on your situation, personality, and usage. Rutilated Quartz is an excellent option for divination and psychic readings.

The best crystal for pendulums might vary depending on the properties, desired benefits, and personality. A great all-rounder, though, is the queen of crystals – the amethyst. Amethysts are easy to get your hands on, not expensive, and their main property is to amp up your intuition and promote clear thinking. Slam dunk!

Chevron amethyst is an excellent crystal for pendulum dowsing

Several crystals are great options for pendulum dowsing. Depending on your personality, usage, and needed properties, the best crystal might differ from person to person. Nothing is ever clear-cut regarding spirituality and the paranormal, that is for sure.

A great all-rounder is amethyst, which hones in on the most desired properties, is easy to find, and is fairly inexpensive.

Below is a beautiful purple amethyst pendulum. Purple is the color of spirituality, and its primary trait is to open up your subconscious mind to the Ether. According to Judy Hall, in The Crystal Bible – A definite guide to crystals (affiliate link – Amazon), Amethysts are also one of the most common crystals, which makes them relatively inexpensive to purchase.

Amethysts also have another benefit that makes them perfect for dowsing. According to Judy Hall, it protects against psychic attacksOpens in a new tab. and has a high vibration. Not only that, but it also promotes spiritual awareness and insights. High vibrations and open channels to the Ether are something we all seek in a pendulum.

All these traits make Amethysts a great choice if you are new to pendulums and want to try them out without breaking the bank.

The benefits of Chevron Amethysts

Amethysts come in different colors; lavender, chevron, and pineapple. Even if they are the same crystal, the color creates different vibrations. All variations are great options for pendulums, but one stands out.

Chevron amethysts are the best for pendulum dowsing, as it is one of the most powerful third-eye stimulators. It also promotes out-of-the-body journeys, which makes it perfect for divination and dowsing.

My amethyst pendulum is custom-made, but if you want to snatch a similar one as mine, I found this on Amazon (affiliate link – Amazon)

Quartz is an excellent option for pendulum dowsing

There are different kinds of quartz, and all of them are great for pendulum dowsing. Depending on which quartz you choose, you can target other areas; love, relationships, protection, etc.

Quartz is a fantastic crystal. According to Judy Hall, it is one of the most powerful healing and energy amplifiers. It absorbs, stores, releases, and regulates energy. It also has a great benefit – it unblocks energies as well. It also has the most clearing and high vibration of all crystals. This makes it an excellent option for amethysts.

When doing pendulum readings, you can target the question with the right quartz. The table below finds different types of quartz and readings for which to use them.

Type of QuartzPendulum reading
Rose QuartzLove, self-love, and general relationship readings
Clear Quartz (Rock Crystal)Life-purpose, spirit guide, and angelic readings
Phantom QuartzSpirit guide readings and repressed memories
Aqua Aura QuartzBusiness and career readings
Rutilated Quartz (Angel Hair)Fortune-telling and psychic readings
Smokey QuartzEmotional calmness and protection readings
Snow QuartzCareer and life-purpose readings
Tourmalinated QuartzProtection and grounding + emotional calmness + career and life-purpose readings
Blue QuartzEmotional calmness readings

Rutilated Quartz for psychic pendulum readings

As you might use the pendulum to gain access to the Ether, the best all-rounder in the Quartz segment is Rutilated Quartz. Rutilated Quartz is sometimes called Angel Hair Quartz because of the crystal’s fine strands (hairs).

Rutilated Quartz is one of the most powerful crystals for psychic insights and channeling. As it illuminates your soul, it will fight off negative energies. This is a great thing when channeling spirits, as we only want to connect to spirits of light. It also energizes the aura, which helps you fight any attacks or attempts to weaken you during a session.

A Slam dunk, this is all we need! Negative energies are prone to play on our weakness for self-sabotage and what us to lower our vibrations.

Few talk about Rutilated Quartz in forums, but it is heavily used by professionals.

What to look for in a crystal pendulum

When you decide what pendulum you should get, there are some factors to consider. What type of readings are you going to do? Do you want to use your pendulum for divination or connecting with your internal energy?

If you use your pendulum for many purposes, I recommend you go for the trustworthy and reliable amethyst. This is a safe bet, and it will not break the bank.

If you are into divination and pendulum readings for specific areas of your life, such as career readings, I recommend going for quartz.

The most important thing is that you feel connected to the crystal. This is essential, and it trumps all other benefits any crystal might have. Your intuition is the best guidance in getting the perfect pendulum for you.

Best pendulums for paranormal investigations

If you use a pendulum for spirit communications during a paranormal investigation or ghost hunt, it is best to go with a tourmaline.

Tourmaline is a very protective and grounding crystal, and it can help fight off any negative energy that might want to follow you home. According to Judy Hall, it cleanses dense energy and transforms it into higher vibrations.

It also acts as a protective shield around your body, which can be very beneficial if you are in danger of demonic attacks. In some paranormal sites, both spirits and demons are present at the same time. You might need to shield yourself from the wicked but still be able to connect to spirits of light.

References and cites

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Claudette Beaulieu

A certified paranormal investigator, accredited demonologist, and psychic stuck in the Victorian era.

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