When you are participating in ghost hunts or paranormal investigations or are psychic, the chance is that you, at one time or another, will experience spirit attachments. It is essential to differentiate between demonic attachments, as this is not the same as a spirit or ghost attachment.
A ghost attachment is when a spirit, for some reason, starts to follow you and attach to your energetic field. A demonic attachment is when a demonic entity grabs hold of you. Demons never lived and did not have a soul; spirits are the souls of people or animals that once lived.
If you want to learn more about demonic possession, you will find helpful information in the article below.
Related article: 19 Signs of Demonic Possession

Spirit attachments can be very draining and, in some cases, scary, but they are seldom dangerous as demonic attachments are believed to be.
There is currently no scientific evidence to support the existence of spirit attachments. However, here are the signs some people believe may indicate such attachments.
In this article, we look at the ten most common signs of ghost attachments so that you can take the necessary measures early.
Important: Never label anything paranormal before all natural causes are ruled out. Please consult a professional health provider if you are struggling with health or mental issues or think a demon possesses you. Find international suicide prevention helplines here.
Sign #1: Unexplained changes in behavior or personality
One of the most common signs of spirit attachments is suddenly feeling disconnected from yourself. You start acting in a way that is not in character for you.
You may feel like you are acting out of character or experiencing sudden mood swings.
In many cases, this is a hard sign to spot yourself, as you are unaware of your sudden change or personality. It is often a friend or loved one that notices it first.
This is why it is so crucial for paranormal team members to observe and check out each other closely. The changes can happen on-site, but it can also take days or weeks before the first signs appear. It depends on the power and personality of the spirit.

If you are not part of a paranormal team but participated in a ghost tour or hunt, informing your loved ones to look for signs is always a great idea. It is always best to take measures right away. The longer you wait, the harder it can be to break the attachment.
You can also get a spirit attachment from visiting cemeteries, haunted houses, funeral homes, historical sites, hotels, and hospitals. You can get attachments everywhere if you are unlucky, but be careful when visiting places with many deaths or high emotions.
Sign #2: Unexplained physical sensations
You may feel like something is touching you or hear strange sounds, such as footsteps or whispers.
It is good to remember that physical sensations often are very subtle. You seldom get clear messages, scratches, or notice movements of objects and alike. The reality is far from the ghosts you see in the movies, popular TV shows, and horror books.
As the signs are so subtle, it is sometimes hard to even dare to tell others about an experience. Many are afraid they will sound stupid or crazy.
Sign #3: Feeling like you are being watched or followed
You may feel a presence that you cannot see or explain. It is often a very subtle feeling, like when you turn around when out and about to notice someone looking at you – but there is no one there.

Sign #4: Intense or unexplained emotions
The onset of sudden fear, anger, or sadness unrelated to your current situation might indicate a spirit attachment. The key is that the emotion is not connected to any happening or situation. It just flows over you when you least expect it.
If you start to feel strange emotions that impact your daily life, you must consult a professional healthcare provider to rule out any medical issues.
Never label anything paranormal before all other causes are ruled out.
Sign #5: Difficulty sleeping or feeling rested
You may experience nightmares, night terrors, or feel like you are being choked or suffocated in your sleep if you have a spirit attachment.
Spirits try to communicate with you when you sleep, as you enter a state where you are connected to your subconscious mind. People with psychic abilities can often access the subconscious mind when awake.
It is common to feel exhausted and drained if you have a ghost attachment. The spirit draws energy from you to manifest.
Sign #6: Feeling controlled
Some people who believe they have a spirit attachment report feeling like their thoughts and actions are being influenced by an external force.
This can manifest in different ways, such as feeling like you are being pushed to do something you don’t want to do or feeling unable to make your own decisions.
One explanation for this feeling is that the attachment manipulates the person’s energy field, which can affect their thoughts and emotions.

Some people believe that spirits can attach to a person’s aura, the energy field surrounding the body, and use it to communicate and influence the person.
It is important to note that feeling controlled can also be a symptom of other mental health conditions, such as anxiety or depression. It is always recommended to seek the advice of a medical professional or mental health provider if you are experiencing any symptoms affecting your daily life.
Sign #7: Sudden onset of anxiety
Some people who believe they have a spirit attachment may experience anxiety and fear. This could be because they feel like they are being watched, followed by an unknown presence, or uncertain about what the attachment wants from them.
It is also possible that the anxiety results from the person’s belief in the attachment. If they believe that the attachment is causing negative effects on their life, such as influencing their thoughts or behaviors, this can cause them to feel anxious or worried.
It is worth noting that anxiety is a common experience for many people and can be caused by various factors. It is a natural stress response and can be managed with effective coping strategies, such as relaxation or cognitive-behavioral therapy.
If you feel anxiety or stress, it can also be a symptom of mental health conditions. It is always recommended to seek the advice of a professional medical provider if you are experiencing any symptoms affecting your daily life.
Never rule anything paranormal until all other causes are accounted for.
Sign #8: Tingling or cold sensations
Some people who believe they have a spirit attachment report feeling tingling or a sense of energy moving through their body. This could be because they are experiencing a reaction to the energy that the attachment is believed to be emitting.
Static electricity from the ghost might cause strange tingling sensations. It is common to get goosebumps or hair raises when a ghost is nearby. Shivers or feelings of “butterflies” are also something to look out for.
It is possible that the tingling sensation is related to the body’s natural response to stress or anxiety. When the body is under stress, it releases adrenaline, which can cause physical symptoms such as a tingling sensation or restlessness.
In summary, while some people who believe they have a spirit attachment may experience a tingling sensation, there are many other possible explanations.
It is essential to consider all possible factors and seek the advice of a medical professional if you are experiencing any unusual or persistent symptoms.
Sign #9: A hard time healing or moving on
If you have a spirit attachment, it might be causing emotional or psychological distress, making it difficult for you to move on from past traumas or negative experiences.
It is also possible that the belief in the attachment is causing distress. If you are convinced that you have a spirit attachment, this can create anxiety or fear that may prevent you from seeking help or progressing in your healing journey.

If you have a hard time healing or moving on, it is essential to consider all possible explanations and seek the advice of a medical professional or mental health provider. With the proper support and treatment, overcoming the challenges that may be holding you back and moving forward with your life is possible.
If you feel you are under a psychic attack, you find helpful information in the article below.
Related article: What to do if you are under psychic attack [Action list]
Sign #10: Heavy burden
If you believe you have a spirit attachment, you may feel like you are carrying a heavy burden. This could be because you think the attachment is causing harmful effects, such as influencing your thoughts or emotions.
It is also possible that the burden is related to the belief in the attachment itself. If you are convinced to have a spirit attachment, this can create a sense of responsibility or obligation to deal with it, which can feel like a heavy weight on your shoulders.
If you are feeling a heavy burden, it is essential to consider all possible explanations and seek the advice of a medical professional or mental health provider. With the proper support and treatment, it is possible to alleviate the sense of burden and move forward with your life.