You have bought a new pendulum but have no idea if it brings you accurate readings. You scratch your head. How on Earth do you know if you are doing it right or if the pendulum is even working?
If the pendulum moves in a consistent way when indicating “yes” or “no,” the pendulum is working. Ask the pendulum questions you know to be a “yes” or “no” to verify that it swings correctly.
When you are new to pendulum dowsing, it can be hard to know if the readings are correct or not. With experience, you will instantly know if your pendulum is off. But until then, there are a few tips and tricks that can be very helpful in bringing you confidence.
How to know if your pendulum works
It takes just a few steps to determine whether the pendulum is working. It is pretty straightforward; follow the steps below.
Checklist for making sure the pendulum works
- Clear the pendulum by tapping on it three times
- Make sure it is still
- Ask the pendulum to show you yes
- Take note of the movement
- Ask the pendulum to show you no
- Take note of the movement
- Ask a question you know is “yes.”
- Check that the movement corresponds to yes
- Ask a question you know is “no.”
- Check that the movement corresponds to no
- Thank the pendulum
- Close the session (say: Goodbye, the session is now closed”)
It is pretty easy to know if your pendulum is working or not by doing some basic testing. You are almost there if you have learned how to program your pendulum.
First, you must determine what swing means “yes” and “no” for you. The movement of the pendulum can be different for different readers. Determining the movement is called programming it. It is pretty straightforward. Ask the pendulum to show you yes. Ask it to show you no.
If you need to learn how to do this more in-depth, I have written an article on the subject. You find the article here.
How to tell if your pendulum says yes or no [Download included]
When you know what the yes and no movements look like – you can test them.
You start by asking the pendulum a “yes” question you know the answer to. For example: Is my t-shirt blue? If the swing is the same as the “yes,” you know it is working. The same goes for “no.” Example: Is my t-shirt gray?
Do some testing with questions you already know the answer to. When you find confidence and trust in your pendulum, you can start asking questions you don’t know the answer to and trust the feedback.
Troubleshooting your pendulum
If you experience that your pendulum is not consistent on the “yes” or “no” swings, it can be due to complex questions or that it doesn’t want to share the answer right now. There might be a good cause for this, so never get frustrated with your pendulum.

If the pendulum starts wobbling around, stands still, or behaves strangely, it can mean different things. Most commonly, the pendulum is confused by a too complex question. Maybe you made things a bit too complicated. You get the best results when you ask obvious and short questions.
#1: Not fully programmed
Another reason the pendulum acts strange is that it doesn’t want to tell and doesn’t have a programmed swing for this action.
When you get a little more experienced, you can always add “don’t want to say” or “maybe.” Just ask the pendulum to show you the swing. It is a bit harder to test this, but if the yes and no swings are working – it is a big chance they may be or don’t want to tell work too.
Other common issues can be that you are anxious or not in a good mood. Not being in a good and relaxed mode can transfer into the reading.
#2: Emotionally charged questions (bias)
If you ask very emotionally charged questions, you can start interfering with the answers with your bias. If you want a response to be something particular, it might end up in a cranky pendulum. This is very common in love readings or emotionally charged situations when you ask for outcomes, how another person feels about you, and so forth.
#3: Residual energy
Sometimes, it might be good to try resetting and cleaning the pendulum if the problems persist. Residual energy from the surroundings or previous readings might skew things off. There are different ways to cleanse your pendulum. The easiest is to tap on it three times, smudge it, or do a salt bath overnight.
#4: The wrong type of pendulum
You might experience wonky readings if you use a pendulum that is not right for you. If the chain or string is too short, it can be hard to get clear answers. You might also use a crystal pendulum that stores a lot of energy from the surroundings. If you have negative energies lurking in your home, you might benefit from a copper or metal pendulum.
#5: Forcing answers or fortunetelling
If you force the pendulum to answer in a way you like, the pendulum might get grumpy. This means asking the same question repeatedly, hoping for a “better” outcome. Fortunetelling and asking for answers that will benefit you (egoistic) might also create wonky replies.
#6: Negative entities or demons
In rare cases, you might have stumbled upon negative energy. If your pendulum is acting strange, it is recommended that you stop the session and clear your pendulum. You have to go with your gut feeling on this one. If you feel something is off, it often is. It is always best to be safe than sorry.
It is also recommended that you smudge the area to get rid of any negative energies.
#7: Your posture
If you sit too still or have the wrong posture, you might get wonky readings. What is the best posture for you comes with experience, but it is not recommended to sit too still or with taut muscles. Try to relax and be sure you are well grounded.
I often take three deep breaths and shake my arms and legs to eliminate tense feelings. Sometimes it helps to hum to get rid of internal stress.
#8: Asking questions about others
Spirits using your subconscious mind to bring answers through the pendulum don’t always feel comfortable answering questions about others. Suppose you ask, “what does X think about me,” and you might get strange readings. Focus on yourself and your energies, and let go of others. It is not for you to know some things.
#9: Trust the pendulum
Sometimes it is your best not to know things. Wonky and unclear swings might indicate that it does not know or does not want to answer. If you are channeling spirits of light, they respond in a way that is for your own higher good. If you trust your pendulum, you will build a strong relationship over time. Yes, you do build “relationships” with your divination tools. They will become friends that care for you and guide you through life.